Since 2009, our Mission has been to help elect Public Safety advocates and not Politicians.
Our Vision is to help break down to voters in law enforcement on which candidate has a record of helping law enforcement and isolating those that have a record of only helping themselves.

We advocate for open forums moderated by other public safety colleagues that understand what we all stand for.

We give an opportunity for all candidates to interview in front of our Public Safety board both virtually and in person to help ask the “real” questions about public safety.

We have partnered with several research groups to help “paint” a better picture of each candidate before we interview each one.

We do not “Pay to Play”. We give you a chance to advocate for what you plan to do once elected.
Gulf Coast Public Safety PAC TX is an Political Action Committee that started as a group of Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, Emergency Management Specialist and Public Safety Telecommunicators that wanted to have a voice when it came to election time.